Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March - Movies To See

Here is the March edition of my Movies To See list. (No order)

1. Watchmen - I am a big fan of the graphic novel Watchmen is based on and I believe Zach Snyder has a real talent for adapting comics. I am not a particularly big fan of Snyder's penchant for the grotesque but I remain hopeful. The ending has been changed and Snyder is rumored to have taken liberties with the fight scenes in his film adaption. My main interest in seeing this film is to objectively judge whether or not Snyder does a literary masterpiece justice in film format.

2. Waltz With Bashir - I love movies about Israel and especially anything involving the Israeli military. Waltz With Bashir is an animated drama dealing with the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. It uses traditional animation mixed with flash and 3-D animation techniques to create a stunning look for the film. It is also one of the only animated films I can think of that tries to create the horrific nature of war. I want to see this film the most by far.

3. The International - I like the actors and the idea behind The International. Unfortunately I do not believe it will deliver. I mostly want to see this film because of the scene in the Guggenheim Museum which happens to be one of my favorite pieces of architecture in the world.

4. Tokyo! - This movie looks extremely abstract and unbelievably scattered but I love Tokyo and asian culture as well as large cities so I thought I would give it a try. It features three director's takes on the evolution of the urban center or city. One of the directors, Michel Gondry, directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which is one of my favorite films.

5. X-men Origins: Wolverine - I really like Hugh Jackman and the trailer for Wolverine looked pretty cool. Unlike some other superheroes, Wolverine is exciting and easy to adapt to the screen.

6. Public Enemies - I just saw the trailer for this film and it looks very good. It is directed by Michael Mann who also did Collateral which I really liked. It stars Johnny Depp and Christian Bale as a bank robber and a federal agent respectively.

7. Terminator Salvation - Christian Bale stars in this film as well. It really like how the trailer looked. It seemed like it was about the surviving humans fighting the machines in the future without clunky terminators coming back in time.

8. Gomorrah - Europeans are apparently going crazy over this Godfather-esque film. We will see if it truly deserves comparisons to the Godfather trilogy. It certaintly looks good in the trailer but Godfather worthy? I don't know.

9. Star Trek - Sex, drugs and rock and roll in space, what's not to like? The trailer makes me doubt it will be even close to good and I am not a big Star Trek fan, but I love J.J. Abrams so maybe I will like Star Trek.

10. Taken - I respect Liam Neeson enough to see his latest film. I have already heard that it is no Bourne but it is not like I was even considering Taken to be as good.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Taken. Liam Neeson does not disappoint, and for anyone like you who already knows not to expect Bourne caliber, Taken is worth seeing. There are some good car chase scenes. "Shannon", from Lost, plays Neeson's daughter. She does a good job with what they give her. I don't think you will be satisfied with the ending. I wasn't.
